February Community Breakfast..
Enthusiastic area residents enjoyed another Lions Club Community Breakfast Saturday morning, February 3. They gathered at
the Centerville Senior Community Center.
The next breakfast is set for April.
Former Member and Long Time Treasurer Bob Blue Has Died...
Lion Bob Blue (left) accepting an award from Lion Jim Resh |
Former member and long time club treasurer Robert E. Blue has died. He passed away at the age of 89 on Saturday December
23 at his home in Centerville.
Lion Blue served as treasurer twice... from 1961 to 1968 and then again from 1970 to 2002. And he served as club president
in 1969-70. He became a Lion on October 1, 1960. Bob also was known for his travel slide presentations to groups including
the Lions Club.
Services are scheduled Friday, December 29, at the Mills Funeral Home in Centerville, following calling from 9 to 11 am.
Burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery in Centerville with military honors provided by the Wayne County Honor Guard.
Survivors include a daughter, Theresa Sharpe, who cared for Bob at this home for the past 6 months and a son Chad Blue.
His wife, Evelyn, died in 2017.
Christmas Banquet...
by Jim Resh
The Saxaphone Quartet from Centerville Senior High School entertained members of the Centerville Lions Club at its Christmas
Banquet Monday evening at the High School Cafetorium.
Members of the group are Grayson Jarvis, Zack Hugo, Claire Kaucher and Aubree Booher.
Lion Jim Howell makes his way through the food line at the annual dinner. Lions Don Duke and Jack Buckland represented the
Richmond Lions Club.
Lion Holly Stigglman hosted a game for everyone involving candy, which was fun.
The next dinner meeting for the Centerville club will be January 22 at the Centerville Senior Center.
Lions First Dinner Meeting of the Year...
Past President Jeff Jenkins accepts plaque from President Ty Farmer |
At the end of the September 25 meeting, President Ty Farmer presented outgoing president Jeff Jenkins a plaque of appreciation.
The Centerville Lions Club voted to donate $200 to the Archway Days Committee. The Club sent $150 to Dollars for Scholars
Golf and President Ty Farmer read a Thank You note from Gabby Todd for her college scholarship provided by the Lions Club.
The Lions will take part in the Fall Festival at the Centerville schools in October and members are asked to bring candy
to the next meeting October 9th.
128 Third Graders will receive new dictionaries from the Club this fall and Vision Testing will begin soon.
The next Lions Club Community Breakfast will be held on Saturday, November 4th, from 7:30 to 10:30 am at the Senior Center.
The public is invited. The Annual Awards Banquet will be held on Monday, April 15th.
The Centerville Club meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at the Centerville Senior Center with dinner and a Program.
Lions Initiate New Lion Year with Steak Fry...
The first meeting of each year for the Centerville Lions Club is the Steak Fry. Members and guests have gathered at the Mansion
House each year to get the new Lion year rolling. Some years they gather in the Log Cabin behind the Mansion House. This
year they gathered in the dining room in the Mansion House.
Lions Fill Bags for Halloween...
Centerville Lions Club members worked on making Halloween bags of candy for the Fall Festival at the Centerville Schools and
600 bags were prepared.
Centerville High School Leo Club advisor Holly Stiggleman said the 30 members of the Leos will host a Rock A Thon Octocber
13th to help the Hope House.
A donation of three walkers was received from Bob and Margaret Wotherspoon for the use of members of the community thru
the Lions Club of Centerville.
First Community Breakfast of the New Lions Year
The first Community Breakfast was held Saturday, August 5 aat the Centerville Senior Center in Centerville. It was the first
of several fund raising events for the club during the new Lions year which began July 1.
New Officers Elected for Next Year...
Officers for the Centerville Lions Club were elected Monday evening, April 24. The take office July 1st.
Pictured above are Richard Tincher, 1st vice president, Vickie Chasteen, 2nd vice president; outgoing president Jeff Jenkins;
president Ty Farmer; assistant treasurer Cyrstal Jenkins; and secretary Wendy Cook.
Farmer previously served as president during the 2018-2019 Lions year. Cook has been secretary since 2008.
Ty Farmer Installed as President of Lions Club...
Officers for 2023-2024 for the Centerville Lions Club were installed Monday evening, June 12, at the Centerville-Abington
Community Center.
Ty Farmer, who served as president for 2018-19, was installed by Past District Governor Jeff Locke.
Other installed included 1st vice president Richard Tincher, Treasurer Dennis Stephen and assistant treasurer C rystal
Jenkins; secretary Wendy Cook and assistant secretary Jim Resh.
The new Lions years begins on July 1st. The first activity of the new year is the Lions Family Picnic which will be held
at Camp Woodsmoke this year.
Lions Participate in Archway Days...
Centerville Lions ride in its float at the Archway Days Celebration in August.
Our Next Meeting:
February 26 - Dinner meeting
Upcoming Events:
March 11 - Dinner meeting
March 25 - Dinner meeting
Christmas Lighting Contest Winners...
by Jim Resh
Gerald Millsaps Display |
Here are the winners in the Centerville Christmas Lighting Contest.
First place: Gerald Millsaps, 312 W. Walnut Street
Second place: Tom Locke, 2720 Bryant Lane
Third place: Bissonnette Family, 9282 W U.S. 40
Tom Locke Display |
Winners were selected Saturday evening, December 2nd during the Christmas Celebration in Centerville.
Holiday Food Drive and Christmas in Centerville...
by Jim Resh
Kevin Branson |
Kevin Branson from the Centerville Fire Department spoke to members of the Cengerville Lions Club Monday evening< November
13, following dinner at the Centerville Senior Center. The Fire and Police Departments are preparing for the food giveaway
by packing items on Friday and distributing on Sunday. They hope to donate to over 100 families in the area. The Lions Club
is supporting this project.
William White |
William White also spoke to the Lions Club about the upcoming Christmas in Centerville which will be held on December 2nd
in Maplewood Park. The event begins at 4 pm and a Christmas Parade will start at 7 pm. Named "A Hometown Christmas"
this year's celebration will include a Christmas Tree lighting at 6:30 pm along with Movies in the Park.
The Lions Club will again sponsor the prizes to be given for the home lighting contest and the cash prizes will be awarded
December 2nd to three winners. Citizens wishing to enter the Christmas Lighting Contest should contact Main Street Centerville
or the Christmas committee.
Holly Stiggleman announced the Leo Club held a Rock a Thon recently and raised $296 for the Scholarship program which
the Lions Club will award in the spring. The Club also decided to hold a community breakfast on Saturday, April 6th for the
Eclipse Holiday event.
District Governor Harper Speaks Before Lions...
District 25F Indiana Lions Governor Ed Harper of Indianapolis brought his message to members and guests of the Centerville
Lions Club Monday evening October23rd. The dinner meeting was held in the Centerville Senior Center and Vice District Governor
Nancy Baxter accompanied the Governor.
Harper's message was for members to continue providing Service Projects within the community, support LCIF programs of
Lions International and encourage membership in the Lions Club. A former school principal, Harper in involved with collecting
used eyeglasses for distribution to Mexico by the Indiana Lions members. Past District Governor Jeff Locke and Angela Locke
joined in welcoming the new Governor.
Club President Ty Farmer conducted the business meeting and announced members of the club would gather on November 10th
to distribute new dictionaries to all third grade students in Centerville schools. The club also voted to help a family in
need with a donation of $200.
The Lions Club Community Breakfast will be held on Saturday Novemmber 4th from 7:30 to 10 am at the Centerville Senior
Center and cost is $7.50 adults and $5 for children 12 and under. The public is invited to attend.
The club will meet again on Monday, November 13th and new members are welcome.
National Guard Zackary Lafavers Speaks to The Lions Club...
SGT Zachary Lafavers, career counselor with the Indiana Army National Guard, spoke to members of the Centerville Lions Club
October 9th at the Centerville Senior Center.
Sgt Lafavers told of the operations of the local National Guard units and the area he visits, including Cambridge City,
Centerville, Connersville among others. His headquarters are in Connersville.
In recruiting members for the Guard, Zack stated that training in nursing careers is a popular vocation for new members
coming into the organization.
Lions Club President Ty Farmer introduced Sgt Lafavers and announced that Lafavers would become a new member of the Centerville
Lions Club. And Angela and Jeff Locke will become new associate members of the Centerville Lions Club too. Additional new
members are welcome.
Cindy Rhoades of Archway Days Speaks Before Lions Club ...
Lion Jeff Jenkins, a member of Archway Days, with Cindy Rhoades |
Cindy Rhoades, with the Centerville Archway Days committee, spoke to members of the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening,
Sept. 25th. The club met for a regular dinner meeting at the Centerville Senior Center in Centerville.
Ms Rhoades is in charge of the Car Show at the event also and told that this year's project was successful and well attended.
It is held the 4th weekend of August each year in Maplewood Park. This year saw over 100 vendors set up for the two day
event and the parade was successful. Volunteers are always needed.
Lions Earn Funds for Club...
Centerville Lions volunteered their time to earn some money for the club. They manned the two entrances to the Autumn Oaks
dog show at the Wayne County Fairgrounds on September 1 and 2 to collect entrance fees. For that the earned one-thousand
dollars for the club.