New officers take over in July...
Lion Joe Elstro |
The Centerville Lions Club installed officers for 2017-2018 at its meeting Monday evening, June 12, at the Centerville
Senior Center. They take over July 1.
They are: Joe Elstro, president, Ty Farmer,
1st vice president and Bob Hobson, 2nd vice president.
Wendy Kornman and Dennis Stephen remain secretary
and treasurer, respectively.
Other officers: Paul Estro and Steve Sheckles remain Tail
Twister and assistant Tail Twister. Steve Sheckles also will serve as Lion Tamer again assisted by Kevin Sparks.
Kaulen will be membership chair and Bob Hobson stays on at Safety Officer.
Board of Directors;
2 years: Tim McConaha and Dennis Stephen. 1 year: Jim Resh and Wendy Kornman. 6/12/17
Lion Jack Farmer dies at age 69...
Lion John R. "Jack" Farmer of Centervlle died unexpectedly at his home on Friday, July 7. Retired
from the Richmond Police Department and Cincinnati Insurance, he had been a member of the Centerville Lions Club since October
1, 2001. He served as its president in 2014-15. Jack was involved with Wayne County 4-H. Survivors include his wife, Joyce; children Ty, Justin, Sarah Sparks and Pam Tidrow and seven grandchildren.
Funeral services will be Wednesday, July 12 at the Doan and Mills Funeral Home in Richmond, where visitation will
be Tuesday from 4 to 8 pm. Private burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery at a later date.
Changes to Fish Fry under study...
Dennis Stephen |
Two Lions Club members have been appointed to study the impact changes to the annual Fish Fry might have
in the future. Lions Dennis Stephen and Bob Hobson have been given authority to approve changes if they seem feasible.
A major change would be having a Fish Fry service prepare the fish and/or pork
tenderloin for them. The Club would supply the rest of the menu.
Stephen, who also serves as club treasurer, said either way the price for the dinner will probably increase next
year. Meals were $10 this year with pre-sale tickets at $9.
Stephen reported estimated profit this year around 16-hundred dollars. 6/12/17
Lions learn about founders.... make final plans for Fish Fry...
Lion Bill Felker spoke to Lions on the founding
of Lions clubs in the early 1900s. He said an Evansville physician, Dr. William P. Woods began a fraternal and secret
organization in August of 1911, but disbanded it in favor of an open service oriented organization. He began forming
it in 1915, having it officially chartered or incorporated with the state of Indiana on October 24, 1916 as the “International
Association of Lions Clubs.” State records show there were 35 Lions Clubs then.
Around the same time, a young Chicago
businessman, Melvin Jones, invited representatives of like minded clubs to Chicago. He suggested they join Dr. Woods
organization. A short time later on July 31, 1917, Dr. Woods issued a call for a national convention in Dallas, Texas.
They officially adopted the name, “International Association of Lions Clubs.” Dr. Woods became its first
president with Melvin Jones as Secretary-Treasurer. Delegates also voted to open membership to women, but rescinded
the option for women at the second convention. At the third annual convention, held in Jones hometown of Chicago,
a dispute arose between Jones and Dr. Woods regarding the issue of women membership. But, a sufficient number of delegates
felt otherwise. This issue would not be corrected until the 1987 convention in Tai Pei, Taiwan.
The Association was also reorganized
under a new charter from the State of Illinois on August 25, 1919, which named Melvin Jones as founder. During this
time records which recognized Dr. Woods as founder began to disappear from official Lions publication.
Lion Felker said as the need for a communication
link among members, the Lion Magazine was formed and the first issue was published in November 1918, with Melvin Jones heading
the masthead as editor. He said, "It's important, as Hoosiers, we
remember that Lion's roots began right here in Indiana."
Final plans for the
annual Fish Fry were discussed at the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening, May 22. Committee chair Bob Hobson distributed
tickets to members to sell. The price remains at $9.00 for pre-sold tickets and $10.00 at the door. It will again
be held at the Christian Church Fellowship Hall on June 9th and 10th with serving between 11 am and 8 pm both days. 5/22/17
Lion Joe Elstro and his trains...
Vice President Joe Elstro presented the program at the Centerville Lions
Club meeting Monday evening, March 27th at the Centerville Senior Center.
Elstro demonstrated several model trains and engines running the trains for all
the see Joe said Lionel trains were most popular with the first Lionel being available in 1901. He showed one
model which was made in 1917. Joe said he has always been interested in trains.
Club president Tim McConaha conducted the business meeting an said a new slate of officers will be voted on in April.
He is still seeking a candidate for second vice president. 3/27/17
Lion Sheckles retires froom RP&L
Longtime Lions Club member Steve Sheckles has retired from Richmond
Power and Light. An RP&L publication says Sheckles retired on February 10th after dedicating 48 years of service
to the utility. He served as a Line Foreman.
Sheckles says he plans to travel and spend time with his grandchildren. Lion
Steve joined the Centerville Lions Club on March 1, 1989. He currently serves as Lion Tamer and Assistant Tail Twister. 4/3/17
Lions donate to Centerville Police and Mansion House...
The Centerville Lions Club voted Monday evening, March 13th, to install a new overhead garage door at
the Lions storage building at the Mansion House. Mark Helms was awarded the contract in the amount of $760. Member
Ty Farmer arranged for the project estimates.
Lion Jim Resh |
This year Lions Club International is 100 years old and was founded in Chicago in 1917. As part
of the celebration, Lion Jim Resh suggested the club donate $1,000 to the Town of Centerville for the Police Department for
help in purchasing new digital cameras for the department. The donation is being made in memory of the late Don McKinney,
a long time Centerville teacher
The club also voted to
donate $100 to the Beep Ball project in Indianapolis.
was conducted by President Tim McConaha. 3/13/17
Wheelers Antiques speak to Lions...
Just like the Antiques Roadshow on television, the Centerville Lions Club hosted Sue and Scott Wheeler
from Wheeler's Antiques in Centerville at its February 27th dinner meeting. The event was held in the
Senior Center and several members brought items to have appraised.
Paintings, jewelry, pottery, along with model cars and prints were displayed and Scott and Sue Wheeler
described each item and estimated their value. Wheeler's Antiques are open daily from 11 am to 5 pm on West Main Street
and have been a part of our town since 1970.
President Tim McConaha conducted the business meeting and Ty Farmer reported on the new proposed garage
door for the storage room at the Mansion House. This project should be completed by spring.
Looking ahead...
It's going to be a busy second half of the Lions year.
The 2017 Lions Club Fish Fry is set for June 9th and 10th in the Christian Church Fellowship Hall.
The annual Awards Night for the community service awards and outstanding citizens will be held on Monday, April 24th
at 6 pm in the high school cafetorium.
The Lions Club will again this year present two college scholarships to high school seniors and will sponsor the Perfect
Attendance Award at the high school awards.
This year the International Association of Lions Club will celebrate 100 years as an organization. Businessman
Melvin Jones organized the Lions in 1917 in Chicago and it has spread around the world. The organization has over 1,000,000
members and over 40,000 clubs. The Centerville Club was organized in 1944. The Lions Convention will be held in Chicago
this summer.
Next meeting of the Centerville Club will be Monday, March 13th at the Senior Center for dinner.
Chamber honors Lion Stevenson...
Lion Phil Stevenson |
Centerville Lion Phil Stevenson was honored recently by the Wayne County Chamber of Conmerce as Outstanding Educator
at the group's annual meeting at the Kuhlman Center. Stevenson is superintendant of Centerville-Abington Community Schools.
Lions Club president Tim McConha announced Monday evening that the Leos Club at the Centerville High School has
been discontinued. It has only three members.
Club members approved the annual college scholarships to be given to Centerville High School seniors this spring along
with the Perfect Attendance Award.
Antique dealer Scott Wheeler will present an Antique Roadshow type program at the next Lions Club meeting on February
27. Members are encouraged to bring an item to find out its value.
Lions celebrate the season...
Lion Bob and Joy Hobson, Wendy Kornman and Marie Elstro at the punch table |
The annual Lions Club Christmas Banquet was held on Monday, December 12th at the high school cafetorium and tables were
decorated in Christmas colors and bows. Lion President Tim McConaha presided over the opening ceremony, and dinner music
wasprovided by Tom Walker at the keyboard.
Lion Anne Elstro with son Conner playing the bells during singing of the carols |
Following dinner, a Christmas Quiz was conducted by committee member Wendy Kornman and prizes awarded to the winners.
A sing-a-long was led by Chairman Dennis Stephen and Tom Walker played for all the Christmas carols.
Librarian says library does many things...
Centerville/Center Township Librarian Beth Treaster spoke to members of the Centerville Lions Club Monday,
November 28th in the Senior Center at a regular dinner meeting.
Librarian Treaster told of the future of libraries and also what our local library does to promote the history
of Centerville. The library also hosts many public events and even musical concerts, including Christmas in Centerville.
The staff took part in the Centerville Bicentennial and this year's torch relay. Libraries now have computers and many
ways to help visitors find books and historic items.
A new book is being published about Jody's Restaurant, which was a popular eating place in town for many
years. The book will be available after December 2nd.
Vice President Joe Elstro conducted the meeting. It was announced that the Lions Club Christmas Banquet
will be held on Monday, December 12th at the Centerville High School cafetorium. Punch table at 6 pm with dinner following
at 6:30 pm. Entertainment will be provided. Chairpersons are Wendy Kornman and Dennis Stephen.
First responders honored as football coach thanks fans for support...
First responders were honored by the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening, October 10, at the Centerville
Senior Center. Over fifty attending enjoyed pizza, salad and cookies. Members of the Centerville Fire and Police
departments were special guests of the club.
Centerville High School football coach Kyle Padgett addressed the group. Padgett, who grew up in Indianapolis,
said he is fond of the Centerville area. He said he was surprised he was hired after applying for the position.
Padgett said he has high standards for members of the team, both on and off the field. They report
their grades each week, with anything below a C unacceptable. He added those high standards off the field transfer to
wins on the field.
Padgett said he appreciates the home crowd cheering loudly, but it makes difficult in sending in play calls.
Lions kick off new year with annual steak fry...
Centerville Lions kicked off its new year with the annual steak fry Monday evening, September 12 at the Mansion
House in Centerville. Around 15 attended.
They enjoyed a steak dinner prepared by Lion Paul and Marie Elstro and their son, Lion Joe Elstro.
Carolyn LaFever, a trustee of Historic Centerville, Inc. spoke to Lions after the dinner. She asked
Lions to help support the group, which runs the Mansion House.
She told of improvements made to the 1840 Mansion House including the installation of a new roof and of
activities held at that location.
Board approves programs for 2016-2017...
Preident Tim McConaha (right far end) conducts organizational board meeting |
Programs for the 2016-2017 Lions year were approved by the board of directors at its annual organizational
meeting Monday evening, August 29. It was held at the Centerville Senior Center.The
new year will kick off Monday evening September 12 with the annual steak fry. It will be held at the Mansion House beginning
at 6 pm.Regular meetings throughout the Lion year are held the second and fourth
Mondays of each month with the exception of December, January and February. The December meeting will be the Christmas
Banquet on December 12. The January meeting will be held on the 23rd and the February meeting will be February 27.The annual Community Halloween Party will be held on October 31.Nomination of officers for next year will be held on March 27, with election of officers to take place on April 10.
The Community Awards Banquet is slated for April 24
The club's money making event, the annual Fish Fry, will be June
1 and 2. Proceeds fund the organization's projects throughout the year, including scholarships for graduating seniors
at Centerville Senior High School.And the Family Picnic will end the club year
on June 26.
Lions undergo vision training...
Lion Jack Buckland |
Members of the Centerville Lions Club were trained in the state approved vision testing program. Lion Jack Buckland
of the Richmond Lions Club provided training in the operation of optical machines and procedures.
Centerville students in grades 3, 5 and 8 will be tested on October 24. Medical clinical testing is done by a doctor
in the first grade. Students who need additional testing are referred to a doctor.
Lion Jim Howell announced the October 10 meeting will include an Honors Program for First Responders. Police and
firefighters and their wives have been invited. Centerville High School Coach Kyle Padgett will also speak.
Centerville Lions Fish Fry ends a two day run...
Karen Ringley (left) with Pat Tremps |
A steady stream of fish lovers enjoyed a meal at the 38th Annual Centerville Lions Club Fish on Friday, June 9.
Karen Ringley and Pat Tremps of Centerville were the first to go through the line on Friday morning.
Serving continued through Saturday at 8 pm at the Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Centerville. The Fish
Fry is the main fundraiser for the Lions, who support many community projects.
The Club thanks its many friends for making this another successful year.
Visit our FACEBOOK page for some pictures. 6/10/17
Family picnic held at Maplewood...
Around a dozen Lions and members of their families got together at Maplewood Park in Centerville again
this year for the group's annual family picnic. It was held beneath the (Lion) Bob Blue Shelter. There was lots
to eat which feature hamburgers, cheeseburgers and hot dogs left over from the Fish Fry earlier this month. Lion Paul
Elstro and his wife and son, Lion Joe Elstro supplied the BBQ grill.
Joe Elstro's mother brought a birthday cake to help celebrate son Joe's birthday. She tried to light the candles,
but it was a bit windy!
Bob Blue returned to his home
to fetch a heavier coat as it was a bit chilly with the evening breeze.
The Lions first event for the new year will be September 11 with the annual steak fry. 6/26/17
Lions learn about the REMC...
Members of the Centerville Lions Club learned a lot about REMCs Monday
evening, May 8 at its meeting at the Senor Center in Centerville.
Kevin Smith, a trustee for the REMC Community Trust, said the Rural Electrification
Act of 1936 provided loan to communities without electric power. 81 years later there are 38 electric coops in Indiana,
including the Whitewater Valley REMC. Its energy is supplied by Hoosier Energy with a modern plant in Sullivan County.
The local REMC has 24 employees.
Smith said the coop is committed to communities with safety programs for students and civic organizations, Earth
Day and Junior Achievement. Youth programs include ten $750 scholarships. He also cited a Shedding Light for Hunger
program and a program in Guatemala to provide electric services.
Smith highlighted the REMC Operatiob Roundup program instituted in 2003.
It awards grants to community organization who apply for assistance. It's funded by ratepayers who round their bills
to the next dollar. He said over half of ratepayers participate in the program. Over 111,000 has been awarded
to Centerville groups. 5/8/17
2017 Community Awards go to a group and two individuals...
Front row: Felker, McGill, Coulter, Perry & Foster. Back row: Turner and Troutwine |
The Centerville Lions Club presented its annual Community Awards Monday evening,
April 24, at the Centerville High School Cafetorium.
The Centerville-Abington Dollars for Scholars program received a group award. Chartered
in 2004, the organization is run by a board of dedicated volunteers. The board has raised $217,815 and granted
235 scholarships to graduating seniors of Centerville High School. The organization is partnered with the Wayne County
Foundation to invest and manage the funds. Accepting the award were board president Kyle Turner, vice president Jason
Troutwine, treasurer Marcia Foster and members Sara Coulter and Debbie Perry.
Chuck McGill received the Outstanding Citizen Award. Chuck was cited for his work
in his church, scouting, Junior Achievement, Centerville-Center Township Library Board, his donation of dozens of gallons
of blood through the Community Blood Center and reporting on Bulldog athletics in his spare time for the Western Wayne News.
Longtime Lions Club member
Bill Felker was presented the 2017 Outstanding Lions Service Award. He has served as webmaster for the Lions Club web
page and editor of Along the Lions Trail bulletin for the past 15 years. Over the years Lion Bill has served many
civic organizations and retired in 2000 from broadcasting after 40 years.
The awards have been presented since 1986 with the exception of 2010 and 2012. 4/24/17
District Governor pays official visit...
25F District Governor PCC Steve Winegardner paid an official visit
to the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening, April 10. 25F District Governor PCC Steve Winegardner of Indianapolis
paid an official visit to the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening, April 10. He congratulated the Centerville Club
for providing vision screening for the schools along with donating dictionaries to third grade students.
Lions International will be celebrating 100 years of service this summer at the
annual convention in Chicago and the Indiana State convention will be held April 28th in Evansville. Members were asked to sign a large Banner for Lions Clubs which will be flown on
an Indiana float at the convention.
The Governor
awarded the following chevrons to Lions members for length of service: Anne Elstro and Wendy Kornman for 10 years, and
Jay Klehfoth, Jack Farmer and Tim Hill for 15 years. 4/10/17
Lions elect officers for 2017-2018...
Lions Joe Elstro, Crystal Kaulen and DG Winegardner |
Election of new officers for 2017-2018 was held. President Joe
Elstro, 1st VP Ty Farmer, 2nd VP Bob Hobson, Secretary Wendy Kornman, Treasurer Dennis Stephen, Board of Directors: Jim Resh,
Wendy Kornman, Tim McConaha and Dennis Stephen.
the business meeting the club voted to donate $50 to Jason Rusznak, a boy scout who will be renovating the flag pole area
at the Youth Park this summer. The club also received Thank You notes from the class of Anne Elstro for receiving dictionaries.
Next meeting will be the Annual Community Awards Banquet at the Centerville
High School Cafetorium beginning at 6 pm for punch and 6:30 pm for dinner. Three awards will be given. Reservtions
shoul be made by calling Lion Phil Stevenson at the high school, who is chairman of the committee.
Community Awards coming up in April...
The Annual Community Awards Banquet will be held in the Centerville
High School Cafetorium on Monday evening, April 24th at 6 pm. Three awards will be given according to the committee
of Phil Stevenson, Dennis Stephen and Jim Resh.
public is invited to attend. Reservations are to be made with Lion Stevenson. 3/27/17
State Convention coming up...
Indiana Lions Multiple District 25 State Convention is coming up
April 28-30 in Evansville at the Old National Events Plaza. An
Awards Luncheon Buffet will be held Saturday. International
President Robert Corlew will be keynote speaker at the All-State
Banquet Saturday evening. 38
Lions had registered for the convention from District 25-F as of
March 16. April 1 was deadline for registration before prices
Local veterinarian Fred Philips speaks to Lions...
Members of the Centerville Lions Club welcomed Dr. Fred Philips to its March 13th dinner meeting
at the Centerville Senior Center. The Centerville veterinarian operates the Animal Hospital at 1100 East Main Street
in Centerville. He purchased the facility in 2004. He also operates the Rushville, Indiana Animal Hospital.
Dr. Philips gave the club members information concerning the history of veterinarian science and said that today
15% of vets are male while 85% are female. He has practiced for the past 27years. He grew up in Valparaiso, Indiana.
He also enjoys trapping and shooting and has trapped beaver, min and fox. Dr. Philips was introduced by Program Chairman
Joe Elstro. 3/13/17
Club receives thanks for dictionaries...
The Centerville Lions Club recently provided new dictionaries to second grade students of Lion Anne Elstro
at Vaile Elementary School in Richmond. Mrs. Elsro read a note of thanks to members of the club and told how happy the
students were to have their own dictionary. She said that they have learned to look up words and facts from the books
and were very happy to receive the dictionaries.
next meeting of the club will be held on Monday, March 27th, beginning at :30 pm in the Senior Center. Nominations for
officers for 2017-18 will be made. For more information
about the Centerville Lions Club, please call 765-935-2481. 3/13/17
Centerville Postmaster speaks to Lions Club...
Lion president Tim McConaha with Postmaster Jane Robinson |
Centerville Postmaster Jane Hubbard Robinson spoke to members of the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening,
January 23. She has been with the USPS for 37 years as a carrier, clerk and now postmaster.
Robinson said the Post Office offers may services, even mailing on-line. She said they can
ship fish, bees, birds and other animals. She added, "the postal carrier is a friend to all and is in neighborhoods
each day to know their routes and their people."
Centerville Lions Secretary Wendy Kornman is a postal carrier in the New Castle area.
Lion Jim Resh noted that the Centerville Lions Club was instrumental in starting daily carrier service in
Centerville many years ago and applied to the government to have service begin.
Wife of Lion Blue dies...
Evelyn Blue, 82, wife of Lion Bob Blue of Centerville died Thursday morning January 26 at Reid Hospital.
Evelyn was a 1953 Centerville High School graduate. She had been a para-professional with the Connersville-Centerville-Abington
Co-op for Special Education. She and Bob had been married for 63 years.
Services will be Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the Doan and Mills Funeral Home in Richmond, where visitation
will be Sunday from 3 to 7 pm. Burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery in Centerville.
Survivors include her husband, daughter Teresa Jolene Sharpe of Centerville, a son, Chad Mitchell Blue of
Richmond and a sister Carolyn Smith.
Dictionaries distributed...
Lions Paul Elsro and Bob Hobson with third grader Kyson Wright |
Dictionaries were distributed to third grade students at Centerville Elementary
School on Wednesday, December 14.
Lions Paul Elstro and Bob Hobson help Lion Dennis Stephen pass the dictionaries to the students.
Third grade teacher Patti Sharp said the students were so excited with their "gift of words." She added, "They
didn't want to put them down. We are working on word choice to use in their writing and this will serve as an excellent
Besides words, the books include other information including short histories of all U.S. presidents.
Peter Zaleski speaks before Lions Club...
Lion Phil Stevenson welcomes speaker Peter Zaleski |
The Centerville Lions Club learned about the county council, Phillips Pharmacy, and windmills at its regular
dinner meeting Monday evening, Nov. 14th at the Senior Center. Peter Zaleski of Phillips Pharmacy told of the
ever increasing demands of the pharmacy business and the regulations of drugs for everyone.
Zaleski is also President of the Wayne County Council and is serving his second term in office. He
told of the operations of the council and how they work with the county commissioners. Windmills in Wayne County was also
discussed and a question and answer period followed his talk.
Club vice president Joe Elstro was program chairman and also conducted the business meeting. Fourteen
members and guests were present. A review of the recent Lions Club community Halloween Party was discussed and the attendance
was lower this year, with many other activities happening the same evening. The Club will present dictionaries to third
grade students in the Centerville schools this Thursday.
The Lions Club annual Christmas party will be held on Monday, Dec. 12th at the high school cafetorium. 11/14/16
Centerville Lions host annual Community Halloween Party...
Participants of the popular cake walk |
The Centerville Lions Club has hosted the Community Halloween Party
for over 60 years. This year's event was held Monday evening, October 31st at the Centerville Elementary gymnasium.
Around 100 children and adults attended.
Many came in costume and all received a gift. Prizes were awarded to winners.
Games were played and all took part in the popular cake walk. Refreshments were also served.
Several Leo Club
members from Centerville High School assisted Lions Anne and Joe Elstro, Jim Howell, Jim Resh, Paul Elstro, Tim McConaha,
Dennis Stephen, Phil Stevenson and Ty Farmer. 10/31/16
Centerville Lions learn more about Richmond Civic Theatre
Jason Blunk, President of the Board for Richmond Civic Theater and Bonnie
Miller, Office Manager for the theater, spoke to members of the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening, Oct. 24th. This
is Civic Theater's 76th year of production. Christmas Story, the Musical, will be their December play. The first play
was "Our Town" in 1941. The dinner meeting was held at the Senior Center.
Club vice president Joe Elstro gave information to all members concerning
the annual community Halloween party at the elementary gym. The Lions community party is the longest continuous Lions
project and began in our town in the 1950's.