Lion Mike McCoy To Become New School Superintendent...
Photo by DAJO Photos |
The Western Wayne News reported in a Facebook post Monday, April 27, that Lion
Mike McCoy has accepted an offer to become the new superintendent of Centerville-Abington Community Schools. He
would replace Lion Phil Stevenson who announced his retirement earlier this year.
McCoy, who
lives in Greensfork, was inducted into the Centerville Lions Club on September 25, 2017.
The school
board will meet May 13 to formally approve the appointment. 4/27/20
Lions Hear About Local Addiction Problems... By Jim Resh
Pastor of the Centerville United Methodist Church spoke to members of
the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening, March 9th. Ted Chalk is also pastor of First United Methodist Church in Richmond.
spoke of the addiction problems in our county and explained the many organizations who are helping to support people who want
to recover. Ted came to Centerville in 2013. 3/9/20
Officers Elected For Next Year...
Officers for the Lions Club were elected for 2020-2021 at the club's meeting Monday evening, March 9.
were: President: Holly Stiggleman, First VP: Scott Bevington, 2nd VP: Jeff Jenkins, Secretary: Wendy
Cook, Ass't Secretary: Jim Resh, Treasurer Dennis Stephen, Asst' Treas: Crystal Jenkins, Tail Twister: Steve Sheckles, Asst.
Twister Paul Elstro, Lion Tamer: Steve Sheckles, Assistant: Ty Farmer. Board of Directors: Bob Hobson, Joe Elstro,
Ty Farmer, and Anne Elstro.
Installation of officers will take place on June 8. 3/9/20
Scoutmaster Speaks to Lions... by Jim Resh
Scout Master Mark Culbertson spoke to members and guests of the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening February 24th.
The dinner meeting took place at the Centerville Senior Center.
Lions members Crystal Jenkins, Dennis Stephens and Bob Hobson look over a display of activities |
Scout Master Mark said there are 25 boy scouts this year in the troop and that Centerville's troop was established
in 1937. The first Eagle Scout was Olin McMinn in 1944. Presently the scouts help with community projects, such
as helping collect food for the pantry, providing a flag ceremony for different events, and serving a meal for the community.
The troop has recently taken camping trips to the east coast, to Kentucky and Tennessee. Ty Farmer represented the Lions
Club at the District Meeting recently at Ivy Tech in Richmond. President Bob Hobson conducted the business meeting.
The club voted to donate $100 to Scout troop #16. The club will also participate in Archway Days this summer. The
Nominating Committee includes Joe Elstro, Ty Farmer and Bob Hobson. Election of officers will take place on March 23. 2/24/20
Centerville Lions Celebrate 75 Years of Service... By Jim Resh
Lion Jim Resh, VDG Locke and club president Hobson |
Members and guests of the Centerville Lions Club met Monday evening, December 9th in the Centerville High School Cafetorium
for a Christmas Banquet and to celebrate 75 years of service to the community. Club president Bob Hobson welcomed the group
and introduced members of the Williamsburg Lions Club along with members from the Richmond Lions Club present to help with
the recognition.
2nd Vice District Governor Jeff Locke spoke on behalf of District Governor Don Mullen
and he also presented the following awards: A 75 year symbol to the President to attach to the club's banner and
a 25 year Chevron award to Bob Hobson and Steve Orsborn. Tim McConaha received a 15 year Chevron award.
Jim and Marge Howell will celebrate 70th wedding anniversary in 2020 |
Longtime member Jim Resh acknowledged the charter officers of the club, which was sponsored by the Richmond Lions
Club August 28, 1944. The club had 46 charter members and one was Marvin Howell, father of present member Jim Howell.
Jim Resh joined the club in 1960.
Lions Holly Stiggleman and Wendy Cook hosted the punch table social
before the meeting.Lion Dennis Stephen was co-chairperson.
Dinner music and Christmas carols
were provided by the Jim McKinney musical group. 12/9/19
Communities In Schools Supervisor Speaks To Lions Club... By Jim Resh
Katie Hampton (l) with club vice president Holly Stiggleman |
Katie Hampton, supervisor for the Communities In Schools of Wayne County, spoke before members of the Centerville Lions
Club Monday, Nov. 25th. The dinner meeting was held at the Centerville Senior Center. Ms
Hampton described her role as coordinator and how the organization operates in each building. The group has helped many
students throughout the county who are struggling due to poverty, grades and other problems like staying in school, getting
a good education and being a friend for life.
Katie is a Centerville High School graduate.
The Lions Club continues to support the group by being a sponsor in its annual golf tourney.
other business, the club voted to donate $50 to Christmas in Centerville for a special Christmas Tree with gifts to be displayed
in the Mansion House and given away. The club has also donated $50 to Sunrise Inc. and $50 to the Centerville Food Pantry.
Lions Club will enter a float in the Christmas Parade to be held on Saturday December 7th.
Bob Hobson presented two Awards from Lions International for Centennial Membership recognition. Long time members
Ty Farmer and Dennis Stephen received the special award pins. 11/25/19
A Cold Evening For Halloween Party...
A cold evening with snow flurries and winds couldn't turn away the Goblins from the Centerville Lions Club Community
Halloween Party Thursday evening, October 31.
Members of the Centerville High School
Leo Club assisted Lions and their families conduct the annual event held at the Centerville Elementary School gymnasium.
Approximately 200 attended
and enjoyed game booths, refreshments and a cake walk. Costume judging
took place and all received a cash prize along with special gifts to the
Lion Holly
Stiggleman was chairperson. 10/31/19
Lions Learn About Food Ministry At Local Church... by
Jim Resh
The Monthly Food Ministry at the Centerville United Methodist
Church was explained to members of the Centerville Lions Club at its regular dinner meeting Monday evening at the Centerville
Senior Center. Kevin Smith, a member of the church, was guest speaker.
Smith explained the Food Ministry mission and how they serve an average 70 families a month and 14 veterans.
The foods include fresh fruit and vegetables along with bread and bread products, potatoes, and some non food items.
A group of church members man the tables and help families gather their items. Smith's wife Elizabeth also helps with
the project.
The club discussed upcoming projects including
the annual Community Halloween party which is held each year on October 31st at the Centerville Elementary gym. The
high school Leo Club will also help with the party this year.
The Centerville Lions Club will also celebrate it's 75th anniversary on Monday, December 9th. The banquet and
Christmas party will be held at the high school cafetorium. 10/28/19
IU East Assistant Athletic Director Speaks to Lions... by Jim Resh
President Bob Hobson and IU East AAD Kyle Wright |
Indiana University East Assistant Athletic Director Kyle Wright spoke to members of the Centerville Lions Club Monday
evening, September 23. Wright, who is also Director of Sports Information, told of the seven sports in the NAIA program
at IU East. He said there are 200 athletes participating in the program with a 75% graduating rate.
also stressed the community service performed by students called Champions of Character. He said each athlete takes
on two community service projects each year.
Athletes are currently competing in women's volleyball
and women's and men's soccer. Men's and women's basketball begins in November. 9/23/19
DG Don Mullen, Club president Hobson & 2nd VDG Jeff Locke |
25F District Governor Don Mullen of Indianapolis got the Centerville Lions Club
off to a rousing start at the first meeting of the year Monday evening, September 9, telling them they must help stem the
tide of membership losses across the state and nation.
Mullen said we need to get more people and younger ones to help perpetuate the club's legacy.
"What drives Lions is you," he said. He said older Lions must understand the younger generation to get them to take
part. And he added, "to embrace the differences to grow our organization."
Also attending the annual steak fry was Lion Jeffrey Locke of Richmond, a member
of the Williamsburg Lions Club and 2nd Vice District Governor.
District Governor Visits Lions Club Steak Fry...
Lion Marianne Grimme |
Attending for the first time was Marguarite Marianne Grimme of Richmond.
She has requested a transfer from the Higgins Diggins Lions Club in Grass Valley, California where she had resided.
She said she has been a member of the Lions Club for around ten years.
A native of Wayne County, she has resided in the western part of the United States for some
fifty years. A banker, Lion Jim Resh remembers working with her years ago at the Centerville branch of the
Second National Bank. He even had a picture of her to show her.
The steak fry was held
at the Log Cabin Courthouse behind the Mansion House on East Main Street in Centerville 0/9/19
Lions Newest Couple Enjoys Family Picnic...
Mr. & Mrs. Lions Jeff and Crystal (Kaulen) Jenkins |
No one knew there was a new couple in their midst during the beginning of the
Centerville Lions Club Family picnic Monday evening, July 15. But, sometime during the festivities, Jeff Jenkins and
Crystal Kaulen revealed they were married earlier this month. Both members of the club for the past several years, the
two bankers told members they were married July first at Cocoa Beach, Florida.
Lions Jim Resh, Ty Farmer and Bob Hobson |
The picnic was held again at Maplewood Park which has played host to the event for the past several years.
This is the first year it has been held in July. The picnic will be held next year on July 13.
installed president Bob Hobson held an informal planning meeting for programs this coming year. The August planning
meeting has been canceled.
Hobson revised the Standing Committees adding Dennis Stephen to
the Fish Fry committee and Holly Stiggleman to the Christmas Banquet and Scholarship committees.
announced the club will be off to a flying start when the new District Governor, Don Mullen, headlines Governor's Night on
September 9, the same evening as our Steak Fry. That will be our first meeting of the year to be held at the Mansion
House. 7/15/19
March 23 Meeting Cancelled...
Lion president Bob Hobson has announced the March 23 meeting has been cancelled due
to coronaviras restrictions. Updates on upcoming meetings and events will be posted on our Facebook page. Members
will also be notified. 3/17/20
Awards Banquet Postponed...
The Community Awards Banquet
sponsored by the Centerville Lions Club has been postponed due to the current Coronavirus situation. It had been scheduled
for April 13 at the Centerville High School Cafetorium. But since the schools are closed until then, it's uncertain
when the banquet will now l be held. 3/12/20
Lions Club Presents Dictionaries to Third Grade Students... By Jim Resh
Members of the Centerville Lions Club continued with its fine project of donating new dictionaries to 144 third
graders in Centerville schools this week. Lions Dennis Stephen and Tim McConaha handed out dictionaries.
club receives the books from The Dictionary Project and has completed this project for the last several years. The dictionaries
contain several additional items, including The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, a brief biography of all the
U.S. Presidents and information on all 50 states and countries of the world. 2/12/20
Lions Hear From School Resource Officer... By Jim Resh
Josh Millsaps being welcomed by president Hobson |
Centerville School Resource Officer Joshua Millsaps spoke to members and guests
of the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening, January 27th. The dinner meeting was held at the Centerville Senior Center.
An officer of the Centerville Police Department, Josh is a 2009 graduate of Centerville High School. He enjoys helping
students in his new role as Resource Officer in the elementary through high school and is the security officer for the buildings. 1/23/20
Lions Approve Donations And Look At Other Projects... By Jim Resh
At its January 27th meeting:
The Centerville Lions Club voted to donate $250 to Lions LCIF organization for
world wide disaster relief and $250 to Camp Woodsmoke, a District 25-F project with other Wayne County Lions Clubs.
The Club's Lion which is used on floats and special events has been refurbished by the Art Club of Centerville High School.
The club is thankful to the students for the hard work to make Mr. Lion look good again.
The Club members are considering new projects for this year along with the annual fish fry
which will be held the first week of June. Dues are now due for members. Dennis Stephen is club treasurer. President
Bob Hobson welcomed guest and prospective new member Chris Goodwin, friend of member Jeff Jenkins. Next meeting will
be held on Monday, Feb. 24th at the Senior Center in Centerville. New members are welcome. The club is 75 years
old and one of the oldest organizations in the community. 1/23/20
Lion Stevenson To Retire As Superintendent Of Centerville Schools...
Lion Phil Stevenson has submitted his retirement as superintendent of Centerville-Abington
Community Schools. He will leave his position in June, 2020. Stevenson came to Centerville in 1972 as a social studies
teacher and eight years later became assistant principal. He then served as principal for twelve years before coming
superintendent in 2005.
has been a member of the Centerville Lions Club since he joined on November 1, 1985.
The Centerville
Club congratulates Lion Phil for his many years of service to the Centerville school district. He's always been an active
member of the Lions Club serving as president in 1989-90. 11/26/19
Club To Observe 75th Anniversary...
The Centerville Lions Club is celebrating its 75th anniversary with a Christmas
Banquet at the Centerville High School Cafetorium on Monday, December 9th beginning at 6:30 pm. The club was organized
in 1944 with over 25 charter members. Bob
Hobson is the current President. Reservations are welcome by calling treasurer Dennis Stephen at 765-855-2034. 11/25/19
Our Lion To Be Ready For Christmas In Centerville...
The Centerville Lions Club "Lion" is being refurbished by the Art Department at Centerville High School. Over the
years the Lion was used in parades and at various events including the Lions Fish Fry and had become rather worn over time.
It most recently was used at the high school homecoming parade.
Lions Club historian Jim Resh says it was also used at the 4-H building on the Fairgrounds in Centerville before
the facility was destroyed by the 1977 tornado. The Lion was purchased from Lions International nearly 50 years ago.
The club had it repaired by the Art Department several times in the past. It's now being "spruced
up" by the art students. Art teacher Chris Evrard and sponsor of the Art Club says they plan to have it finished by
December in time for Christmas in Centerville. 11/15/19
Lions Hear About The New Blue Buffalo Plant... by Jim Resh
Program chair Holly Stiggleman introduced Craig Hughes |
The October 14th dinner meeting of the Centerville Lions Club was held
at the Senior Center. Speaker was Mr. Craig Hughes, Production Manager of the Blue Buffalo plant in Wayne County.
He was introduced by the Lions Club Vice President Holly Stiggleman, who is also a neighbor of Mr. Hughes.
Craig and his
wife, originally from Nebraska, moved to Wayne County to begin work on the new plant two years ago. Employment is nearing
165 people and they produce a variety of different dog foods and treats for both dogs and cats. Founded by Bill Bishop
and son in 2002, the company is now owned by General Mills. Another facility is located in Missouri. A slide presentation of the company's history was shown. Travis Moore is
plant manager.
VP Holly Stiggleman conducted the business meeting and expressed appreciation to Lions members Joe Elstro and
Ty Farmer for preparing the Homecoming parade float this year. The CHS Art Department will be refurbishing the Lion
to display on future floats.
Ty Farmer also attended the recent Lions Club Zone meeting which includes all the
other clubs in Wayne County. A future joint project for the clubs could be to restore one of the cabins at Camp Woodsmoke
in southern Indiana. The cabins all need new roofs.
The Centerville community is invited to attend the annual Lions Club Community
Halloween Party set for Thursday, October 31 at 6:00 pm at the Elementary School gym. Games, refreshments, a cake walk
and costume judging will take place all free of charge.
The next meeting of the Centerville Lions Club will be Monday, October 28th at
the Senior Center with Kevin Smith as guest speaker. New members are welcome. 10/15/19
Leos In Homecoming Parade...
Five members of the Leo Club at Centerville High School participated
in the CHS Homecoming parade September 26. They also helped Lions Ty Farmer and Joe Elstro's son Conner put the float
together. Lions Anne and Joe Elstro along with son Conner rode with the Leos on the float pulled with a tractor operated
by Lion Ty. The infamous "Lion Leo" also perched himself on the float.
The Leo Club is sponsored by the Centerville Lions Club and is advised by Lion Holly Stiggleman, who is Librarian
at the school. The club participates in several community projects and assists the Lions at the Fish Fry and other events. 9/28/19
Richmond Club Celebrates 95th Anniversary...
The Richmond Lions Club observed its 95th anniversary Friday evening, September 13 at Willie and Red's Smorgasbord in
Richmond club historian Ron Smith outlined the history of the club from the time it was formed on October 5, 1924 to
the present time. The club was sponsored by the Connersville Lions Club. And the Richmond club sponsored the Centerville
Club 20 years later, in 1944.
Toward the end of the affair, 25F District Governor Ron Mullen presented Richmond Lion Mark Morris with the prestigious
Melvin Jones Award.
The club's motto for the year is "95 and still have drive."
The Centerville Lions Club was represented at the celebration by Lions Bill Felker and Jim Resh. 9/13/19
Lions Earn Money For The Club...
Members of the
Centerville Lions Club sold tickets at the two entrances to the Autumn
Oaks Dog Show at the Wayne County Fairgrounds August 30 and 31. It was a chance to earn money for the Lions
Lions who helped were Bob Hobson, Dennis Stephen and his wife
Kathy, Jim Howell, Tim McConaha, Paul Elstro and his wife Marie, Joe
Elstro and Anne Elstro and their son Conner, Steve Orsborn, Scott
Bevington, Ty Farmer and Jim Resh along with Richard Lehman of the Richmond Lions
Club. Many thanks to these individuals for making this possible. 9/1/19
District Governor to Visit During Steak Fry...
25-F District Governor Don Mullen of Indianapolis will pay an official
visit to the Centerville Lions Club on September 9. This is also the group's annual Steak Fry to kick-off the new Lions
It will be held at the Mansion House/Log Cabin
Courthouse in Centerville. Festivities will begin with the meal at 6:30 pm. 8/27/19
Lions are participating in the annual Archway Days festivities in Centerville
this year. They are providing a mini golf booth for all to enjoy. The Lions in the picture are Paul Elstro,
Ty Farmer and Jim Resh. 8/24/19