Club Wraps Up 75th Year With Installation of Officers...

Bob Hobson |
The Centerville Lions Club wrapped up it's 75th year by installing officers for the next Lions year, which begins
July 1. Lion Bob Hobson takes the reins of the club. This will be the third time Lion Bob has served as club president...
1997-1998 and 2013-2014. He's been a member of the club since November of 1994.
The only new
Lion coming on board to serve as an officer is Scott Bevington, who becomes 2nd vice president. Holly Stiggleman will
serve as 1st vice president as well as assistant secretary. New board members will be outgoing president
Ty Farmer and Anne Elstro.

Lion Joe Elstro (right) recieving award |
Lion Paul Elstro recieved a Lions longevity award. He joined the club on September 1, 1977.
Dennis Stephen presented a preliminary report on the Fish Fry held on June 8. He indicated the profit for the one day
event will be larger than the two-day fish fry a year ago. The fish fry is the only fund raiser for the club.
was announced a district-wide officer training session will be held in Centerville at the Senior Center on Thursday, June
20. It will begin at 6:30 pm with Reed Fish conducting the training.
Lion Joe Elstro is preparing
for a Lions Club Mini Golf booth at the annual Archway Days Festival August 23-25.
Members were reminded
the family picnic will be held on Monday, July 15 at Maplewood Park in Centerville. 6/10/19
Delayed Awards Given...

Lion Steve Sheckles finally has his Community Award. He was unable to attend the Community Awards Banquet in April
due to the illness of his wife. Lion Jim Resh presented Lion Steve with the Outstanding Citizen Award Monday
evening, June 3. Lion president Ty Farmer also presented Sheckles with the Lion's Milestone Service Award for 30 years
of membership and activity.
Final Plans For Fish Fry Made...
President Farmer also announced the Fish Fry is being advertised on several local outlets in
the area as well as social media. The Fish Fry will be a one-day event this year on Saturday, June 8. Serving
will be from 11 am to 7:30 pm at the Centerville Christian Church Fellowship Hall. Tickets are $10 if purchased
before Saturday and $11 at the door. 6/3/19
Leos Present $200 Check to Lions Club...

Leo Club advisor Holly Stiggleman presents check to Lions Club treasurer Dennis Stephen |
The Centerville High School Leo Club presented a $200 check to the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening, May 13.
Club advisor Holly Stiggleman said the money is to be used for the Lions Dictionary Project, in which dictionaries are presented
to grade school students. The check was part the proceeds from the Leo Club's Mother-Son Dance held on April 5.
Stiggleman also presided over the Lions meeting in the absence of president Ty Farmer and vice president Bob Hobson.
his report on the upcoming Fish Fry on Saturday, June 8, treasurer Dennis Stephen said he hopes every Lion is committed to
the one day event in order for it to be successful. The fish fry had been held on Friday and Saturday in the past.
The club will meet on June 3 prior to the fish fry to iron out any last minute problems. Tickets for members to sell
were passed out during the meeting.
Three members... Joe Elstro, Crystal Kaulen and Wendy Cook...
were presented with Centennial Awards for sponsering new members. 5/13/19
Community Awards Presented to Roger Martin, Kathy Stephen
and Lion Steve Sheckles…
The Centerville Lions Club presented its Community Service Awards at its 31st
annual banquet Monday evening, April 22 at the Centerville Elementary Cafeteria. The awards went to Roger Martin, Kathy
Stevens and Lion Steve Sheckles, all of Centerville.

Roger Martin recieved the Outstanding Citizen Award from Lion treasurer Dennis Stephen.
has taught elementary grades 1,2 and 6 for the past 40 years. He was offered a teaching job at Rose Hamilton Elementary
in 1979. Over the years hundreds of parents have set down with him in parent-teacher conferences nd they knew their
child had a teacher that knew their child, cared for them and that they could and would learn more. His students as
well as colleagues had praise for him.
Besides teaching, he coached severals sports.
Beyond being a great teacher and coach, he and his wife have raised four children. He also serves as a member of the
Sugar Grove Community Church where he serves as a trustee.

Lion Jim Resh, who presented the Community Service Award to Kathy Stephen, said after growing up in Richmond she graduated
from Carol College in Waukesha, Wisconsin. After coming home, she worked at the First and Second National Banks before
joining Brady Ware Accounting firm, where she has spent the last 24 years as a trust and tax specialist. Her husband,
Dennis, is treasurer of the Lions Club.
Kathy has served her community as board member and treasurer
of Easter Seals for eight years, served on the board of Richmond Area Estate Councl for two years, served as financial secretary
at Reid Prebyterian Church for over five years, and has been a member of PSI IOTA XI Sorority of Centerville for 10 years
and 8 years as treasurer. She served on the Centerville-Center Township Library board for a record 18 years; 17 of those
as treasurer. She has been doing the books for Not for Profits for the equivalent of 43 years. She currently is
a member of the Hope House Recovery board and just recently started serving as treasurer of her P.E.O. Sorority. She
also serves the Wayne County Federal Credit Union as a member of the Supervisory Committee. She serves as a Deacon at
First Presbyterian Church in Richmond, where she was named Deacon of the Year. She also sings in the church choir.

Steve Sheckles received the Community Service Award. Sheckles, who grew up in Richmond and graduated from Richmond
High School, served in the Navy from 1965 to 1969, when he began work for Richmond Power and Light. He retired in February
of 2017 after 47 years of service. He has been active in the Centerville Lions Club after
joining on March 1, 1989. He has served the club as Tail Twister and Lion Tamer for several years and has been active
in many projects including the annual fish fry, Halloween Party, Christmas events and the steak fry.
participated in the Music Boosters for many years while his children were in school and cooked many hamburgers at sporting
events. He also volunteered at may other projects at the school.
He could not attend the presention
due to the illness of his wife, Penny. The award was accepted by Lion president Ty Farmer and will be presented to him
at a later time. 4/22/19
Restored Railroad Caboose May Go On Display in Centerville... Information supplied by Lion Jim Resh

Kenneth Bertsch and Greg White |

A recently restored railroad caboose in Maplewood Park in Centerville.
Two members of the Wayne County Railroaders Club spoke to the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening, March 25. Greg
White and Kenneth Bertsch told of the history of the caboose. They said members of the club have spent thousands of
dollars restoring it. It previously was located at the Highland school in Richmond. Originally, it was brought
from Naperville, Illinois. Centerville Town Council will be asked to host the caboose at the park.
Instead of having nomination of officers for next year, president Ty Farmer said a nominations
committee is being formed and an election of officers will be held in April.
Club adviser Lion Holly Stiggleman reported on the upcoming Mother/Son event on April 5 at the Centerville Elementary School.
She said there will be prizes, contest, face painting and pizza. Students up to the 6th grade are being invited.
The Lions 25-F District Governor Ron Bigham of Indianapolis will pay an official
visit at the April 8 meeting.
The annual
awards banquet will be held Monday, April 22, in the Centerville Elementary gymnasium. Outstanding service awards will
be presented to Centerville area residents. 3/26/19
Low Key Christmas Party This Year...
It doesn't take many Lions and friends to have a lot of fun when they get together. Described as a small
crowd by Lion president Ty Farmer, Lions and their families and friends gathered at the Centerville Senior High School Cafetorium
Monday evening, December 10, for its annual Christmas Banquet.
Lion Ty said those attending enjoyed
a delicious meal and then sang Christmas carols and played a couple of games, including a Christmas Trivia game.
Lions will begin the second half of the Lions year with a dinner meeting on January 28 at the Centerville Senior Center. 12/20/18
Liberty Lions Club President Dies in Motorcycle Accident...

Lions will honor Liberty Lions Club president Michael England Thursday evening
at the Urban-Winkler Funeral Home in Liberty. The 62 year old England died in a motorcycle accident with a deer on Sunday,
December 2. He is survived by his mother, wife, four sons, a daughter, two brothers and ten grandchildren.
Lion Mike Spotts Seriouly Injured in Head-On Crash...

Lion Mike Spotts was seriously injured in a head-on crash Tuesday (Nov. 20) afternoon on Salisbury Road near its intersection
with Rich Road.
Police indicate a northbound car veered left of center striking the oncoming
radio station van driven by Lion Spotts. He was taken to Reid Healthcare and later airlifted to an Indianapolis hospital.
The other driver was also seriously injured.
Lion Mike transferred his membership from the Richmond
Lions Club to the Centerville club on February 24, 2014. 11/21/18
Lions Learn How to Keep Moving... By Jim Resh

Program Chairman Bob Hobson welcomes guest speaker Kendra Busby |
Members and guests of the Centerville Lions Club met Monday, November 12th at Centerville Senior Center for a regular
dinner meeting. Guest speaker was Kendra Busby of Journey Yoga in the Richmond Depot District. She instructed
the members how to breathe deeply and to sit up and declutter our thoughts. Kendra also gives physical therapy at her
business. She was introduced by Bob Hobson.
President Ty Farmer conducted the business meeting and
received reports from the recent community Halloween party by chairperson Holly Stiggleman. The Lions Club will sponsor
a float in the Centerville Christmas Parade on December 1st and the annual Club Christmas banquet will be held December 10th
at the school cafetorium.
The Lions Club International Centennial Award was given to three
Lions members: Ty Farmer, Dennis Stephen, and Bill Felker.
Next meeting of the club will be
Monday, November 26th at the Senior Center at 6:30 pm and guests are welcome. 11/13/18
Lions Hear About Hepatitis in Wayne County...

Registered Nurse Martha Smith from the Wayne County Health Department spoke to
Centerville Lions Monday evening, October 8, about the problem of Hepatitis in Wayne County. Smith said Hepatitis
A is virulent in our area. She said alerts are put out if a worker comes in sick and aren't following hygiene procedures.
Smith says there has been a big response to vaccines. There are vaccines for Hepatitis A and B, but not type C.
Wayne County ranks number one in Indiana and 9th nationwide for Hepatitis A cases, although
she said it's been slowing down recently. 10/15/18
Lions Discuss Halloween Party and Other Items...
Holly Stiggleman discussed the Community Halloween Party on October 31. She urged members to bring cakes, cookies and
other goodies for the event to be held at the Centerville Elementary gymnasium from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Centerville High
School Leos will be giving out candy. Lions Ty Farmer, Joe and Paul Elstro are in charge of set up at 4 pm.
also discussed the Dictionary Program in the schools and the cost of providing them depending on the type. Members can
give donations for the project to reduce the amount taken from the Projects Account. And it was announced that one-thousand
dollars has been set aside for spring scholarships at Centerville High School. 10/15/18
Lions Hold Annual Steak Fry...

Lions Scott Bevington, Jim Resh, Steve Sheckles and guests Carole & Bill McDonald |
Centerville Lions held their annual streak fry at the Log Cabin at the Mansion House Monday evening, September 24.
Members and several guests attended the dinner including Carole and Bill McDonald of Apopka, Florida.
the meal, some of the group headed for the Mansion House to entertain themselves with card games.
and Paul Elstro prepared the fixings as they have now for several years. 9/24/18
Lions Hear About Veterans Christmas Appreciation Dinner...
Centerville Lions learned about the Veterans Christmas Appreciation Dinner at
its first meeting of the year Monday evening at the Centerville Senior Center.

Lisa Creech |
Lisa Creech, the director of the program, said it will be held at the Kuhlman Center on the Wayne County Fairgrounds
on December 8. She was joined by board member Steve McFarland.
Creech said the dinner
was the idea of her daughter Rebekah who wanted to do something to give back to the community and decided on the dinner for

Steve McFarland |
This will be the 5th year for the dinner. Only 30 veterans and families were recognized the first year; over
400 last year. All veterans and their families are welcome to attend. A ceremony will be held to honor the veterans
and then dinner and entertainment will follow. The fiscal sponsor for this event is the Chamber Center for Excellence.
Doors will open at 3 pm for veterans to interact will local businesses to see available services within the community.
Flag ceremony and dinner will begin at 5 pm.
Reservations are required by November 17 by calling
Lisa Creech at 765-914-7367. Reservations may also be made on their Facebook page (Veterans Christmas Appreciation Dinner)
or e-mailing
The Lions voted to help sponsor the event by contributing $125 toward its costs. 9/10/18
Lion Joe Elsto Receives Award...

Lion Joe Elstro (left) recieved Key from President Ty Farmer |
Lion Joe Elstro received an award at the first meeting of the new Lions year Monday evening, September 10.
Ty Farmer presented Lion Joe with the Key award for two new memberships in the organization this past year.
also heard from Leo Club sponsor Holly Stiggleman. She reported 28 students at Centerville High School have signed up
for the club. She said they are working on projects for the year. The students will also be assisting with the
annual Halloween Party on October 31. 9/10/18
Board of Directors Set Dates for Meetings, Events and Programs...

President Ty Farmer |
The board of directors of the Centerville Lions Club met Monday, August 13 to
plan for the upcoming Lions year. Dates were set for meetings, events and programs for the 2018-2019 Lions year.
board approved switching the annual steak fry to September 24 instead of September 10, the first meeting of the year.
Members are being encouraged to bring a prospective member to the steak fry.
Other major dates approved
were: Community Halloween Party to be held on the same night the Town of Centerville sets, October 31; Christmas
Banquet on December 10; Nomination of Officers for March 25; Election of Officers on April 8; Community
Awards Banquet on April 22; Fish Fry on Saturday, June 8; Installation of Officers on June 10; and Lions
Family Picnic on July 15.
They also approved participation in the Archway Days Parade on August 24
and the Centerville High School Homecoming Parade on September 7.
The meeting was conducted by President
Ty Farmer at the Centerville Senior Center. 8/13/18
Centerville Club Hosts Officer Training Session...

The Centerville Lions Club hosted an area training session for new officers of the organization on June 20. Held
at the Centerville Senior Center, fifteen members from Williamsburg, Fountain City, Richmond and Centerville attended.
books with roles for various offices were handed out with each one matching the specific office. District governor-elect
also went over the goals and is working on ways to attract younger members.
The International Lions
web site is going to have major changes with the phone app being different from the web site.
was provided by the Centerville club. Lions Holly's cheeseball and Wendy's homemade cookies were a hit. 6/23/19
Mother of Lion Stevenson dies at 91...

91 year old Mary Katherine Stevenson of Lynn died Friday, June 14 at Friends Fellowship Community in Richmond.
Born in Richmond, she graduated from Boston High School.
She is survived by three sons including
Centerville Lions Club member Phil Stevenson, four grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and a brother.
She began
as a typist for NATCO following high school graduation. She married Swain Derrel Stevenson in 1946. She later
worked for Farmers Dairy in Carlos where she became vice-president in 1971. She and her husband also owned an insurance
agency. After he died in 1988, she traveled around the world.
Arrangements were handled by
the Wilson Shook Funeral Home in Lynn. There will be no public visitation and private memorial services were scheduled.
Burial was in Quaker Lynn Cemetery in Lynn. 6/20/19
Mother of Lion Paul Elstro dies at 103

103 year old Dolores Ruth Elstro of Centerville died Wednesday, May 1, at Forest Park Health Campus. She was the
mother of Lion Paul Elstro and grandmother to Lion Joe Elstro, both of Centerville. A Morton High School graduate, she
was retired from the family business, Elstro Oil Products, Inc., where she had served as office manager. Survivors include
another son, Larry Elstro of Indianapolis; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and a sister.
will be Saturday, May 11, from 9:30 to 10:30 am at Holy Family Catholic Church in Richmond, where services will be held at
10:30 am. Burial will be in St. Andrew Cemetery. Arrangements are being handled by the Mills Funeral Home in Centerville. 5/619
District Governor Pays Official Visit... Pictures and story supplied by Lion Joe Elstro

25F District Governor Ron Bigham paid an official visit to the Centerville
Lions Club Monday evening, April 8.

Lion Jim Howell with District Governor Bigham |
Bigham talked about many Lions projects. Among them were Camp Wood
Smoke, Diabetes and the Vision program. He said Camp Wood Smoke has two caretakers that have been there about two years.
He said many positive changes have accrued.
The district governor was informed of the Leo Mother/Son dance earlier this month and how
successful it was. Centerville is one of only four Leo Clubs in Indiana District F.
Lion Jim Howell was presented his 55th year service chevron.
Treasurer Dennis Stephen is now taking reservations for the Community Awards Banquet to be held Monday evening, April 22. 4/11/19
Lions Hear About The Importance of Insurance...

Brian Benedict with Protectors Life spoke to members of the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening, March 11. Benedict,
son of former Lions Club member Phil Benedict, spoke of life experiences and how insurance is a big help. Club
president Ty Farmer announced the Leo Club at Centerville High School is sponsoring a Mom/Son night at the elementary gym
on Friday, April 5th at 6 pm. He said there will be games dancing and face painting for students throough the 6th grade.
next meeting of the Lions Club will be March 25th at the Centerville Senior Center where members will nominate officers for
next year. They will vote on April 8 and officers will be installed June 10. 3/13/10
Lions Learn About Recovery Works In Cambridge City...

A treatment center called Recovery Works was explained to members and guests of the Centerville Lions Club at its Monday
evening dinner meeting at the Centerville Senior Center.
Located north of Cambridge City on Indiana
1, Tim McDivitt of Recovery Works said it's an outpatient drug and alcohol treatment center. Services include treatment
for abuse of alcohol, opioids and other illegal and prescription drugs. They create individual recovery plans for clients. 2/26/19
Wrestling coach speaks before Lions Club... by Jim Resh

Lions Dennis Stephen and Jim Howell, former CHS principal, with coach Mike Day (center) |
Centerville High School wrestling coach Mike Day spoke before members of the Centerville Lions Club Monday evening, January
28. Coach Day, whose 21 member team recently won the Wayne County Tourney, said their motto is "person, passion and
pride." They have won in 7 classes and have 11 members going to the Regionals this weekend. They have also won
five conference championships. There is one girl on the squad.
Day has coached since 1990.
His coach in high school was Lion Dennis Stephen. Day was introduced by program chair Bob Hobson.
President Ty Farmer conducted the business meeting and read a letter from the Pickle Ball committee thanking the Lions Club
for their recent donation. The annual Fish Fry was discussed and this year the event will be held on Saturday, June 8th from
11 am to 8 pm at the Christian Church Fellowship Hall in downtown Centerville. Fish, Tenderloins, Hamburgers and Hot
Dogs will be offered.
Leo Club sponsor Lion Holly Stiggleman related to the club members that the
high school Leo members conducted a gift bag drive at the school for needy families at Christmas time. She said the
club is also planning to sponsor a Mother-Son dance party this spring.
The Lions Club will meet February
25th for its next meeting and new members are welcome. The meetings are held in the Centerville Senior Center the 2nd
and 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. 1/29/19
New Pickle Ball Courts to be Constructed... Club to Have Float in Christmas Parade... Fish Fry to be One Day

Program chair Bob Hobson with Mark Miller (right) |
Mark Miller of the Wayne County Pickle Ball program told Lions Club members of a new Pickle Ball facility being planned.
He told members Monday evening, November 26, the new eight-court facility will be constructed in Clear Creek Park in Richmond.
He said they plan to install lights so anyone can play after dark.
Pickle Ball started in the 1950s
and is the fastest growing racket sport. All ages can play and Miller said it's a very inexpensive sport to get into.
Wood rackets start at $15. Groups play same sex, mixed and by different skill levels. He said there's a lot of
body movement, thus you are exercising while having fun.
The group is currently fund raising for
a matching grant. The Club voted to donate $100 to the endeavor. _______________
Club president Ty Farmer said he was pleased to announce the club will enter a float in the
Centerville Christmas parade. The Club will have its Christmas Banquet on December 10th at the Centerville High School
Cafetorium. _______________
After discussing the recent Fish
Fry, the club voted to hold the 2019 event for only one day in the first part of June. 11/30/18
Over 125 Attend Halloween Party... By Jim Resh

Jeff Jenkins and Jim Resh call out winners in the Cake Walk |
The annual Lions Club Halloween party for the Town of Centerville was
held on a rainy October 31st in the Centerville Elementary gymnasium. Over 125 persons attended and prizes were awarded
to the costumed winners.
Everyone enjoyed games, refreshments and the annual cake walk.
Fifteen Lions Club members helped with the party along with several high school Leo Club members, who also judged the costumes.
big thank you to Richmond Baking Company for a donation of cookies and to all members who provided treats for the cake walk.
Lions Club has conducted this Halloween Party since 1950. 11/1/18
Final Plans Made for Halloween Party...

Lions Jeff Jenkins and Wendy Cox help prepare for dinner meeting |
Members of the Centerville Lions Club made final plans for the annual Community Halloween Party at its meeting Monday
evening, October 22. The free event will be held at the Centerville Elementary Gymnasium on Wednesday, October 31 from
6 to 8 pm. Games and the popular Cake Walk will be held with a costume judging contest with prizes. Refreshments
will also be available.
President Ty Farmer urged members to set up for the party at 4 pm.
Lion Holly Stiggleman is project chairperson this year. Members of the Leo Club will help. 10/22/18
Wife of Former Member Dies...

74 year old Toni Benedict, wife of former Lion Phil Benedict, died Wednesday, October 10 at Friends Fellowship
Community. They had been married 52 years. Survivors include twin sons and several grandchildren.
A graduate of Miami Valley Nursing School, Toni retired from Richmond State
Hospital in 2008 , after 38 years of service.
will be held Wednesday, October 17 at 6 pm at the the Doan and Mills Funeral Home in Richmond, following visitation from
4 to 6 pm.
Memorial contributions may be made to: Friends
Fellowship Community Endowment Fund, 2030 Chester Blvd., Richmond, IN 47374 or Alzheimer's Association, 50 East 91st Street,
Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240. 10/10/18